Old Transportation Procedures
Old Transportation Procedures
1) Reserve a 16 foot box truck with a lift from enterprise. - unleaded because diesel engines require cleaning midway.
2) Prep lab for clean use.
a) put away tools
b) vacuum
c) clean top surfaces with alcohol
d) mop cleanroom - mop and bucket borrowed from HET lab
e) Refill alcohol and restock cleanroom equipment.
f) replace foot wipes.
3) When you go to Pickup IGRINS the straps and crates must be taken.
get platform gap plate from machine shop on 3rd floor
bring straps for securing boxes
boards and nails to reinforce the wheels of the IGRINS cart
temperature sensor - not rally used, but lets you watch
computer boxes
4) Follow shutdown procedures for detectors.
5) Remove IGRINS from the telescope, collecting fasteners and components that need to go back to Austin - everything but the telescope mount.
4) Pickup IGRINS from the Observatory.
after shutdown of the system, box the ICC and DSC
pack electronics cabinet into the crate
pack cal unit into crate
packing calibration unit and ecab - take care not to snag anything on the box or the foam.
Keep IGRINS cold as long as possible. What are the temperature guidelines?
For thermal stability IGRINS should not be moved when completely cold or when detectors can be warmed too high
take photos.
6) backup and make copies of all files.
Load the truck with IGRINS in the back, behind the passengers.
Strap everything to the walls
retain the wheels of IGRINS to avoid movement.
Unpacking IGRINS in the lab:
1) Space is tight. Often have to empty the room in order to get in.
2) Make sure the there is room behind the clean room for the IGRINS cart to be pushed through.
3) Attach the hooks to the side of IGRINS to lift in the lab.
4) Push IGRINS into the clean room on its cart with the flat lid towards the table. This protects the electronics on the other side.
5) Attach the lift with IGRINS still on the cart. Should use three hooks on the top and straps are looped around.
6) Tightn the straps and disconnect the cart.
7) Lift IGRINS above the cart and move the cart out the back of the clean room.
8) Set IGRINS on the table on its side. The window should be up at this point.
9) Attache the legs and remove the brackets from IGRINS.
10) Lift IGRINS and rotate. Set down on its legs.
11) Clean room again now that most of the dirty things are out.
12) The vacuum valve can be opened once the dust has settled. Use hairnet as filter. - Backfill with Dry Nitrogen based on Trent’s methods - this should reduce pump time.
Procedure Prior to Summer 2015:
Open crate containing elves labeled ELVES
Order elves to cast a dismount spell on IGRINS to remove from telescope
Order elves to properly pack IGRINS into boxes with wrapping paper and bows
Pile all the wrapped boxes into a giant tophat
Take magic wand and point at hat saying "Move IGRINS to UT"
Look in hat, if IGRINS is still there, recast spell.
If spell does not work, call magic wand company for a replacement
Sweep elves back into their container and reseal container with masking tape.
Also, See this note: 2014 September - IGRINS Transported to McDonald