Dome Opening Procedure

Dome Opening Procedure

  1. Before opening the dome, check that the Dome Open Conditions are met.
  2. Pin the doors open  on the east and west sides of the dome.
  3. Use the panel near the east door to open the louvers. You do not need to hold the knob down.
  4. Go to the TCS monitor in the dome to check red status indicators.
  5. "Console Not Reset" on the TCS monitor means that you should push the red "Reset" button to proceed. 

  6. On the TCS monitor you should now see the messages "HA Brakes On", "Dec Brakes On", "No Hydraulic Pressure."
  7. Go to the old control room and press the three Declination, Hour Angle, and Hydraulic Breaking Start buttons:
  8. Return to the console and press "Reset" again. There should be no messages on the TCS now.
  9. You must check the rotation of IGRINS and open the window cover.  Use the hand paddle to raise the east dome floor to go up to IGRINS.
    1. The home position of the IGRINS rotator are marked on the rotator. The current encoder value for home is 193 (as 2024). 
    2. The window cover iris has velcro to retain it in the marked 'open' and 'closed' locations. 
  10. Move the upper windscreen to the stow position using the hand paddle.  Make sure to only move the windscreen until it clears the end of the dome slit, as moving it too far can damage it.
  11. Open the slit by holding down the "Dome Open" button on the console.  This will take a few minutes.  You will hear a clank when the dome is fully open.  Once the slit is open, you can let go of the button.
  12. Press and hold the "Cover Open" button on the console to open the mirror cover.  You will hear a sound when it fully opens (note the light indicator no longer works, so listen for the sound).  Once it is open, you can let go of the button.
  13. On the TCS computer or atlas, select Tools → Enable Dome Automation
  14. You are now open and ready to observe. 
  15. Be sure to check conditions regularly and abide by the Dome Closure Rules. Pay close attention to the IGRINS rotation and cable clearance throughout the night.

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