Observing Extended Objects (ie. Nebulae) with IGRINS
Observing Extended Objects (ie. Nebulae) with IGRINS
- Proposals
- Exposure Time Estimation
- Observing Procedures
- https://github.com/kfkaplan/igrins_observability
- The McDonald Control Room and 107' Telescope
- Beginning of night
- Rotating the instrument
- Position Angle Changes
- Old Rotation PA -> Encoder Table for IGRINS
- Or get encoder number and finder chart from observability.py
- Find your target
- Taking your data
- End Of Night Procedure
- End of Run Shutdown
- Data Requests and Transfers
- Cosmic Ray Removal
- Download lacosmic python version and IGRINS script, put in indata directory, modify script variables, run for a night. Need to upload code somewhere.
- Data Reduction
- NOTE: I (Kyle) use a modified version of plp-testing to output 2D variance maps. Email me if you are interested in that feature. Needed for error propagation in 2D.
- https://github.com/igrins/plp
- https://github.com/leejjoon/plp/tree/testing
- IGRINS Pipeline Wiki
- How to run pipeline
- Data Analysis
- https://github.com/kfkaplan/plotspec - (public version of) the main code for nearly all my 2D IGRINS data analysis
- Pointings, maps, and datacubes
- https://github.com/kfkaplan/igrins_observability
- Describe basic procedure here, maybe upload example code later
- Carefully check all lines in line list for contamination
- Describe procedure here. This is a time consuming process, may later write code to semi-automate procedure
- In cases of poor wavelength calibration, add velocity correction to any lines not centered at v = 0 km/s
- Tables and Figures
- Papers