Current Manuals - McDonald Observatory
This is a summary of current manuals relevant to IGRINS observing at McDonald Observatory HJST & IGRINS Maintenance.
Table of Contents:
Observer Cookbook at McDonald
If you've never observed with IGRINS before start here!
This guide outlines:
IGRINS & Atlas Computer Set Up
How to take Flats
The Dome Opening Procedure
What to do at the start of the night
How to set up guiding (on- and off- slit)
Using the IGRINS Data Taking Package (DTP) (needs to be updated 20241206)
How to identify A0V Stars to observe (needs directions on how to upload to TCS 20241206)
Rotating IGRINS on the telescope
Closing Procedure
User and Proposer Information
What to bring on your observing run? (Needs to be updated–20241206)
Useful webpages
Real-Time finder chart :
ObsSummary app (change date at the end of link):
Logs in the google spreadsheet (be sure to select the sheet with your observation date): IGRINS log folder for HJST
QuickLook client app (change date at the end of link) :
Observer Procedures
Starting up IGRINS computers & data taking software
Taking Calibrations
Position Angle Changes (needs to be updated--20241206)
Telescope Pointing Procedure (still true, add to Observer Cookbook--20241206)
Off-Slit Guiding (for experienced users only)
Using the IGRINS Data Taking Package (needs to be updated for new GUI--20241206)
Data Requests and Transfers (update once IGRINS Box is up and running–20241206)
2014 Troubleshooting
These are old troubleshooting guides that may or may not be relevant to any issues that will occur in the present for IGRINS–we are keeping them here for reference in case any of these issues occur. If one of these issues occurs, before trying any fixes reach out to Greg Mace ( to report the problem and discuss potential solutions.
!! NOT FOR INEXPERIENCED OBSERVERS !! Contact observing support before attempting! How to reboot Colossus if TCS fails
Instrument Team Procedures
Full Startup Procedures (mostly correct but needs some updates--20241206)
Storage Procedure (mostly correct but needs some updates--20241206)
Running the House Keeping Package alone (we think this is correct–verify script names haven't changed--20241206)
Network Switch Outputs (may have changed?–20241206)
Instrument Manuals
Most of these manuals are out of date for the current software we run for IGRINS. Keeping here for reference but I would not use for help with any of these programs now–most all have been significantly updated to be mostly unrecognizable from the outlines here.