In the Lab Opening and Closing Procedures
In the Lab Opening and Closing Procedures
- Wait for IGRINS to warm to room temperature
- If you passively let IGRINS warm to room temperature, this takes about 40 hours.
- You can decrease the warm time by using the heater ramp function on the bench heaters only.
- To further decrease the warming time, you can backfill the dewar with dry nitrogen, but this is not recommended.
- When all of the internal temperature sensors are approximately at room temperature you can gently release the vacuum using the valve.
- Remove the plastic dust cap from the vacuum valve flange
- Place clean tissues in front of the flange to filter out dust
- Release the lock on the red valve handle by turning it CCW
- Gently open the valve by turning it CCW. You will begin to hear air entering the cryostat. Try to limit the airflow to prevent damage to internal components
- In general, keeping the backfill noise at the same volume as a whisper will prevent damage.
- When the cryostat is backfilled, fully open the vacuum valve and replace the plastic dust cover.
1) Rough pump IGRINS for 36-72 hours depending on if there was a prior partial vacuum.
(A more powerful pump will reduce this time significantly.)
2) Turn on the turbo pump when the pressure is <5 torr.
3) Turn on the He compressor when the pressure is <5e-2 torr.
4) Remove the vacuum pump when the pressure is <5e-6 torr.
5) The final pressure should be <5e-7 torr.