LBJP Classrooms / Student Labs - Available Software

LBJ Classrooms

  • LBJ 2.104
  • SRH 3.122
  • SRH 3.124
  • SRH 3.219
  • SRH 3.220
  • SRH 3.221
  • SRH 3.350
  • SRH 3.355
  • SRH 3.360
  • SRH 3.B7

Classroom Default Sofware - Microsoft Windows 11

Classrooms with Video Conference Compatible Spaces (SLA Required) - Windows and MacOS

LBJP Classroom/Student Lab Software - Microsoft Windows 

LBJ Student Lab

  • SRH 3.262

Student Lab Default Software - Microsoft Windows 11

LBJP Classroom/Student Lab Software - Microsoft Windows 

Classroom/Student Lab Default Software - macOS

LBJP Classroom/Student Lab Software - macOS