macOS Printers Self Service Fix

macOS Printers Self Service Fix

Reset the Print System


  1. On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Printers & Scanners
  2. Press and hold the Control key as you click in the list at the left, then choose “Reset printing system” from the menu that appears.
  3. After you reset the printing system, the list of printers in Printers & Scanners preferences is empty.
  4. Re-add any printers with LAITS Self Service app

Where can I find LAITS Self Service?

  1. Navigate to the Applications Folder
  2. Look for the UT Austin logo on your dock or in your Applications folder to find UT Self Service on your Mac. 

  3. UT Self Service should be listed alphabetically in the Applications folder on your Mac:     

  4. You can open UT Self Service it by double-clicking the icon.

Printers Category

Department printers can be found and installed with via the "Printers" category.

  • Choose "Install" and this will install printer drivers and the printer connection for you to select and print.

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