How to complete a Software Release

In theory, versioning should follow, or if not, some versioning structure should be clearly documented and published.

For example, in Controls versioning, major versions are different vehicles, minor versions are major code releases, and patches are for hotfixes/bugfixes to a release (usually high-priority).

Step 1: Merge your final changes & test

The regular workflow is Issue Ticket → Branch Created → Pull Request (PR) → Merge into Master. Once you've deemed that the final PR is validated, merge in your final changes and move on to step 2.

Step 2: Use this guide to create and tag a release on your latest commit

Step 3: Create + update a production branch

Create a branch called production/MX (if it doesn't already exist) branching off of the tagged commit. This will be the branch that your version will live on.

If the branch already exists, update the branch through a rebase with the commits corresponding to the new changes made.