Using Outlook Web Access with an Office 365 McCombs Mailbox

Using Outlook Web Access with an Office 365 McCombs Mailbox

The full and complete URL for Outlook Web Access for your McCombs Mailbox is. . .
You should bookmark this URL if you use OWA frequently. If you mistakenly type a different URL or just chose to use a another URL that you find easier to remember, then the server may still be smart enough to figure out how to get you back on track. The result of using various URLs is briefly described below.

Correct URL: https://office365.austin.utexas.edu/

When you click this URL, you should see a webpage stating to "Select an Office 365 application."
  1.  click on Outlook Web App (OWA)
  2. Put in your EID and your EID password in their corresponding fields:

Your mailbox should then directly load in your web browser