EML Entitlements
The EML entitlement grants eligibility for Microsoft 365 to users who are otherwise not eligible. This entitlement is intended use is to provide temporary, short-term mailbox access for a limited set of edge cases outside of the normal eligibility rules.
For faculty and staff expected to experience a gap in employment lasting longer than 30-45 days, the Microsoft 365 team recommends the employee and/or technical support contact coordinate with Human Resource staff to establish ongoing access to employee services within Workday.
Entitlement Request Process
EML entitlement requests can be submitted using the EML Entitlement Request Form. Requests must be submitted by the appropriate technical support contact (TSC). For assistance identifying a technical support contact, please call the Service Desk at (512) 475-9400 or send email to help@its.utexas.edu. All requests require an explanation of the business need for the entitlement.
Requests submitted by former employees on their own behalf will not be fulfilled.
When placed by an appropriate TSC, a 30-day EML entitlement period will be automatically granted for accounts which have not had an active EML entitlement for the last 120 days.
Under certain circumstances, an account may receive a one-time extension to a 30-day EML entitlement period. The request for an extension should be made by an appropriate TSC within 7 days before the entitlement expires. If approved, the extension will be granted for 15 days.
Student employees no longer need EML entitlements as Students are now eligible for Exchange mailboxes.
All other requests will be evaluated on a case by case basis. In the reason for the request, please include the period of time for which the entitlement is needed, along with the business justification. Please note that the entitlement will not be granted for more than a one-year period.
Second Factor Authentication
Many tools for accessing Microsoft 365, including the Office 365 Web Application, require second factor authentication. Accounts requiring an EML entitlement may not be eligible to use the second factor authentication application Duo; this is true of EID accounts which have not been upgraded and which lack a future employee affiliation. When granted an EML entitlement, these accounts will also require a second factor authentication exemption.
Please let us know if you think you you also need a Duo exemption.