INSURANCE - General Liability (Production) Insurance
For any questions or concerns about insurance issues, be sure to consult your instructor or TA.
For further clarification, email RTF Administrative Office
What is it?
- General Liability Insurance (sometimes referred to as "Production Insurance") covers third party property damage within the United States. There is a $500 deductible.
Note that there are exclusions. These are excluded from the RTF Policy:
- Feature films
- Pyrotechnics (of*any*kind)
- Stunts
- Livestock
- Vehicles ... anything having to do with any type of vehicle cannot be covered
- Aircraft ... anything having to do with any type of flying such as drone cannot be covered
- Crew or cast members
- International travel
- Locations on UT Property
Only students enrolled in a University of Texas RTF production class, doing a project for academic credit, are covered under this policy.
How much does it cost a production student?
- $15/pdn student/class/semester – included as part of an insurance bundle (liability and accident). This charge will be posted to your What I Owe after the 12th class day.
What if a location requires proof we have liability coverage?
- Use the General Certificate of Insurance document below. It will cover most requests.
- Insurance Request Form - This form is required for insurance requests where the location owner will not accept the General Certificate of Insurance and requires one that lists them specifically.
Last minutes requests cannot be honored.
Examples of when policy will be used:
- You accidentally break a window. This insurance will pay to replace the window.
- You film on City of Austin property (such as Austin Studios). The insurance meets the City of Austin's minimum insurance requirements, making it possible for you to use their facility.
What happens if the project is not covered under our current policy? Student must purchase insurance on his/her own and cost is borne by the student.
What if I need to submit a claim?
- Notify the RTF Insurance Office and your instructor /TA within 24 hours of the incident.
- Email the RTF Insurance Office and copy your instructor and TA with a written statement of what happened. Include your EID and course number.
- RTF Staff will first check to verify you are currently enrolled in a RTF production class before submitting a claim to the Risk Mangement office
- RTF Staff will contact you, the student, with any additional information required by UT System. This will include, but is not limited to, proof of damage (like a photograph) and value/replacement cost.
- RTF Staff will stay in contact with you, the student, and the property owner until the claim is resolved.
General Liability Certificates Currently Available to Students Currently Enrolled in an RTF Class:
24-25_COI_General Certificate of Insurance.pdf
24-25_COI_Anne S. Brockenbrough, Elm Ridge Ranch, LLC & Pipe Dream, LLC.pdf
24-25_COI_Archetype Boxing Club.pdf
24-25_COI_Austin Convention Center of the City of Austin.pdf
24-25_COI_Austin Independent School District.pdf
24-25_COI_Austin Movie Gear_Burnet Rd.pdf
24-25_COI_Austin Movie Gear_Lamar Blvd.pdf
24-25_COI_Austin State Hospital.pdf
24-25_COI_Chapman Leonard Studio.pdf
24-25_COI_City of Austin Aviation Dept.pdf
24-25_COI_City of Austin_Cultural Arts Division of the Economic.pdf
24-25_COI_City of Austin_Kevin Johns.pdf
24-25_COI_City of Austin_Parks and Recreation Department.pdf
24-25_COI_City of Austin_Purchasing Office.pdf
24-25_COI_City of Austin Right of Way Management.pdf
24-25_COI_City of Port Aransas.pdf
24-25_COI_The Contemporary Austin_Jones Center.pdf
24-25_COI_Easley Boxing and Fitness.pdf
24-25_COI_Enchanted Rock State Natural Area.pdf
24-25_COI_Film L.A., Inc., its directors, officers, and employees.pdf
24-25_COI_Film Society of Austin, Inc. .pdf
24-25_COI_FP4 Dobie Center, LLC dba Dobie Twenty21.pdf
24-25_COI_Geospace Technologies.pdf
24-25_COI_Guadalupe Mountains National Park.pdf
24-25_COI_Hope Events, Inc. and Castle Partners.pdf
24-25_COI_Huston-Tillotson University.pdf
24-25_COI_Monopolies Practice Fields.pdf
24-25_COI_MPS Camera & Lighting.pdf
24-25_COI_MPS Camera & Lighting_Austin.pdf
24-25_COI_MPS Austin Film, Mobile Production Services, Inc.pdf
24-25_COI_Nueces County and the Nueces County Board.pdf
24-25_COI_Panavision, Inc. .pdf
24-25_COI_Radiant Images, Inc. .pdf
24-25_COI_Spark River Entertainment, LLC.pdf
24-25_COI_Texas Parks and Wildlife.pdf
24-25_COI_Travis County_1748.pdf
24-25_COI_Travis County_Guadalupe.pdf
24-25_COI_Walnut Creek Sports Park.pdf
24-25_COI_Weiss Living Trust.pdf
24-25_COI_White Sands National Monument.pdf