PAGE UNDER REVIEW - if questions, ask Rachel Walker.
Evaluation Procedures
Faculty members are free to develop their own methods of evaluating the performance of students in their classes, but they are required to make the methods of evaluation to be used known in writing before the end of the fourth class day each semester and the second class day each summer term. Responsibility for assuring adequate methods of evaluation rests with departmental faculties and is subject to administrative review. In courses with multiple sections, departments should provide for necessary coordination. Materials used in evaluating a student’s performance must be collected by the instructor at or before the regularly scheduled final examination. The final examination is a common method of final evaluation in courses.
Letter grades are used to record the instructor’s evaluation of students’ performance in a course. The following grades are used: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and F. It is your choice whether you want to use +/- grades, or whole letter grades. Your choice must be stated on the syllabus. There is no University scale for =/- grades (you determine what grade earns an A- versus an A, for example.) Members of the faculty are not authorized, without the academic dean’s approval, to withhold a final grade or to defer reporting a final grade at the end of the semester other than by the use of the symbol X. If a grade is withheld without the dean’s approval, the grade may not be added to the official records later without the written approval of the academic dean. After a grade has been reported to the registrar, it may not be changed unless an error was made by the instructor.
You may no longer post student grades (for exams, homework, papers) anywhere using all, any part of, or any combination of the student’s social security number or student ID number.
You may use student-specific password-protected systems, such as UT Direct or individual e-mail, to notify students of their grades. Or you can ask students to give you a code name by which you could post grades, either on-line or on your door.
To make sure the online grade reporting system recognizes you and your classes and to determine your grade report due date(s)...
PLEASE go to the "Check My Authorization and due dates" link at the upper left on the following webpage:
To report your grade, go to the burnt orange colored "grade submission system" link at the top center of the same web page:
Grade Changes
Faculty can now initiate grade changes via the online system. Your teaching assistant cannot do this for you. Starting Spring 2012, grades can only be changed online.
Here is the link to the new system and training videos:
The following transactions will now be able to be performed electronically:
- Change a Grade to a Grade
- Extend the Time for an Incomplete
- Replace Grade with an Incomplete
- Replace an Incomplete with Grade
****All retroactive adds/drops will still be processed using the existing “505” forms for the time being.