Zoom - Getting Started
Zoom - Getting Started
LAITS also has a Zoom guide for this process.
Log into the Web Portal
- https://utexas.zoom.us/
- Click Sign In “Configure Your Account”
- Use your EID credentials to log in
- Logging in creates your UT Zoom account
- The web portal allows you to configure additional settings that aren’t available within the Desktop App.
Download the Desktop App
Install the Desktop App
- If you have trouble installing the application, reach out to LAITS for help with administrative permissions. The LAITS team provides desktop and network support to SOA. Remote assistance is available Monday through Friday from 8AM to 5PM. In-person assistance is available by appointment only Monday through Friday from 10AM to 2PM with a two-hour lead time.
- 512-471-5000
- laits-help@utexas.edu
- https://chat.laits.utexas.edu
- PAR 106
- Launch the Desktop App
Log into the Desktop App
- Click Sign In
- Click on SSO (Single-Sign-On)
- The domain is utexas
- Click Continue
- This launches a UT login page in your browser
- Use that page to sign in with your EID credentials
- Click Launch Zoom
- Confirm Open Zoom Meetings
Navigating the Desktop App
- The home screen displays four buttons on the left and a list of your upcoming meeting on the right.
- The buttons on the left allow you to quickly Create, Join, or Schedule a meeting.
- The other three tabs at the top of the Desktop App (Chat, Meetings, and Contacts) are rarely used.
- Clicking on your profile photo in the top-right displays a brief list of options, including the Settings menu.
Navigating the Settings Menu
- Click Video
This screenshot lists an integrated webcam, but your specific webcam may be named differently.
- Your webcam should automatically be selected and begin displaying video.
- If the correct webcam isn't automatically selected, select it via the dropdown menu.
- There are Video settings to enhance the video quality.
- Scroll down to see more options for how Video functions within Zoom Meetings.
This screenshot lists names and models for the speaker and microphone, but your specific speaker and microphone may be named differently.
- Click Audio
- If the correct speaker and microphone aren't selected, select them via the dropdown menus.
- Test your speaker
- Test your mic
- Close the Settings window.