HEPA Filter Experiment Checklist

Operation Checklist

  • Run dry air through the system to purge
  • Run APS calibrationCharacterize salt through APS
    • Remove filter
    • Remove humidity/temp sensor
    • Dilution 100:1 setting
    • Set both pumps to 0.45 m/s flow rate
    • Check diluter and total dP setting correct. adjust sheath flow rate if not
  • Run dry air through system to purge
  • Weigh clean filterBegin recording RH,TEMP, dP
    • Install filter, mark orientation
    • Place humidity sensor below filter
  • Run dry air through system @ 0.28 m/s
  • Load filter with salt
  • Turn off blower and atomizer air
  • Weigh filter
    • Install filter at same orientation
    • Place humidity sensor above filter
  • Run air through humidifier @ 0.28 m/sFlow dry air through filter until dP constant (watch for sudden P drop, then steadies)
    • Control humidifier to keep RH 78-79% for 5 min
  • Run air through humidifier @ 0.28 m/sFlow dry air through filter until dP constant (watch for sudden P drop, then steadies)
    • Control humidifier to keep RH 78-79% for 5 min
  • Run air through humidifier @ 0.28 m/sFlow dry air through filter until dP constant (watch for sudden P drop, then steadies)
    • Control humidifier to keep RH 78-79% for 5 min
  • Turn off blower
  • Weigh filter