How to View Interest Forms

The Sport Club Interest Form is found in RecSports Internal Services. This form is used to collect people's information that express interest in clubs on campus, in our office, and at other recruitment events. Please be prompt in checking the list, especially at the beginning of the semester during heavy recruitment times. 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Internal Services at

  2. Go to Sport Club home page.

3. Click View List

  1. On this List it provides the following information:

  2. Interested person's name, UT EID, phone number, and email address.

    1. When they submitted the form.

    2. What Sport Clubs they are interested.

  3. If you select the "Copy" option, it will copy their email address/open an email with your preferred browser. 

  4. After the email is open, send the participant information about the club.

  5. Once contacted, select the "Contacted" button under Follow Up.


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Please contact Sport Club Staff at with any questions or concerns.