What is Travel?

Sport Clubs will need to travel to various events throughout the year. The UTSCA defines travel as any non-routine trip outside 25 miles of Austin (i.e. non-practice events) taken for participating in events as representatives of University of Texas at Austin and/or Recreational Sports. In order to determine whether or not something is considered official travel, please review this page. 

If you can answer yes to any of the statements below, a Travel Request on Internal Services is required.  

  • The organization requires its student members to attend an activity or event.

  • Club funds (Allocation, Donation, & Student Org) are used to cover any portion of the travel and event expenses.

  • Club equipment is used.

  • Uniforms/clothing with the club name or logo will be worn in conjunction with competition/event participation.

  • The group is registered as the “University of Texas at Austin ___ Club” or an individual from “University of Texas at Austin ___ Club” at the competition/event.

  • The competition/performance results will indicate club affiliation.

  • Club members traveling together for a function within their sport/activity.

If you answered maybe to any of the above statements, please contact the Sport Club Office so they can assist you in making the correct determination. 

To review UT's Handbook of Operating Procedures on this matter, click here.

Please contact Sport Club Staff at utrs.sportclubs@austin.utexas.edu with any questions or concerns.