Step 1 Lesson 2 & 3

From Elizabeth Goldberg, UTeach RGV: 

Step 1 Lesson 2

  • Students had already seen Lesson 2 modeled during class and wrote and received feedback on their first draft lesson plan before the University decided to move to online learning. Therefore we decided to let them finish writing the lesson plan for Lesson 2.
  • Students will be teaching Lesson 2 to their peers via Zoom. To accomplish this we will be doing the following:
    • When students “return” to class next week we will model how to teach Lesson 2 virtually. This is a sink and float lesson so we will be showing them how to use items in their home to teach the lesson instead of the materials we provided in class.
    • The following week the students will get a chance to practice teaching the lesson through Zoom. We will create breakout rooms of 4 students (2 teaching teams) where each teaching team will practice teaching each E of the lesson to their peers and then they will switch. The Master Teachers will hop between groups providing feedback and help with trouble shooting. 
    • The week after the students will teach lesson 2 to their peers during the time they would have taught in the public schools. Each teaching team will be given a Zoom link for themselves, their “students” and the Master Teacher. 
    • Students will also sign up to observe another groups lesson. For example, Dionicio and Jesus will sign for Monday during 8th period to teach. They will also sign up Tuesday during 1st period to be “students". The Step 1 students will teach their lesson to their partner as well as 2-3 other students in the class. We will also offer 2 bonus points if they want to be a student for an additional group so that way they have more people to teach.
    • One of the Master Teachers will also watch the lessons via Zoom. After the lesson we will provide, via Zoom, feedback to the teaching team. 
    • After the lesson, the students will complete their Lesson 2 Reflection or Team Member Observation Reflection like they would do under normal circumstances. We might modify the questions a little to reflect the changes made through digital learning. 

Step 1 Lesson 3

  • Because no students have seen Lesson 3 we will be doing this one a little differently. We teach 2 sections of Step 1 (02 section and 03 section). In order to make the teaching experience more authentic, we will be teaching a different lesson to the 02 section and the 03 section. These will be inquiry-based math lessons that require little to no materials.
  • First we will model the lesson to the students via Zoom. We will record the lesson so they can view it later to help them write their lesson plan.
  • Like before, students will practice teaching Lesson 3 to their peers via the breakout rooms in Zoom.
  • Teaching Lesson 3 will be similar to Lesson 2 in that they will teach via Zoom outside of class to their peers. However, students from the 02 section will need to teach their lesson to students in the 03 section and vice versa. The reason for this is because the students from the other section won’t know the lesson. Therefore, they won’t know all the right answers and their responses will provide a more authentic teaching experience. Students will sign up for their teaching and student time via a calendar through google docs. I can provide you a copy of the calendar if you want to see an example.