2015-09-24 Meeting notes



  • Jessica Wesley Meyerson

  • Fishman, Jessi

  • Paloma
  • Esther
  • Mike (CAH UTVA intern)
  • Tim (GRA at Architecture Library)
  • Donna at Architecture
  • Ashley (Digital Archivist at UT Libraries)
  • Amy and Abby from Ransom Center
  • Jennifer Hecker
  • Jon @ UT Libraries


  • Housekeeping
    • Co-facilitators from other repositories
      • Sending out reminders for meetings
      • Scheduling speakers
      • Room reservations
      • Coming up with programming ideas
      • Leading the meeting
    • New scheduling system
    • Meeting format
      • 45min of tool testing/speaker interview/working on policy drafts
      • 45min round robin
    • Speaker schedule/topics
      • October  - EAC_CPF
      • November - ?
  • Campus archival collection management system
    • Briscoe ACMS PIlot
    • Next steps for campus
      • Link to Brisoce final report for pilot: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1M35C_pocd5n75Olkd3Ufq7MiJke4rfKbQlavXoZMUqQ
      • Who would like an ArchivesSpace account  - the instance is down but it will be back up
      • Survey for all repositories (need volunteers) - would those results be helpful for everyone
      • Currently thinking that once the proposal is read and discussed internally, then we can turn the proposal over to UTLibraries to request hosting and maintenance of the campus instance. 
  • Round robin check-in



  • Tim: how does ADWG work?  What goes on?
    • Paloma answers about getting together, talking about what's going on in our jobs and the archives world, getting interesting speakers, sharing opinions and what we want to tal about
  • Paloma: We are looking for a co-facilitator for ADWG; help contact speakers, plan meetings, etc. 
    • No response
    • We ask everyone to think of a student/intern or someone who might be interested in helping take on some of the workload from Jessica/BCAH
  • Housekeeping: day/time/location good? Yes.  Meeting format ok? 45 minutes for speaker/45 minutes for round robin? Sounds good. It might be more of an organic happening.
    • In the past we've focused much more on a CMS; open to new things now
    • We agree that splitting up the meetings could space out well and help discussions
  • Possible topics/speakers for October/November
    • Esther - Demo of ArchivesSpace by BCAH employees
    • EAC/CPF - Amy will look into use cases and try to find a speaker
    • Mike - bringing in content producers to meet with archivists to implement good metadata standards @ point of creation - esp. University Communications
    • Paloma - Linked data/use cases
      • Jennifer suggests Adam Rabinowitz and his gazetteer of geographical locations, using linked data
      • Paloma suggests discussions regarding linked data in ArchivesSpace and Islandora
  • We move into conversation mode
    • Paloma mentions using MODS at Briscoe; Abby talks about using DublinCore on born digital material at Ransom Center
    • Jon brings up that Islandora is built on top of Fedora Commons 3, and can describe basic relationships, but that Fedora Commons 4 is to be built on linked data; future of adapting Islandora/other systems to a linked data world? 
      • By focusing on the URIs the migration can be made easier
    • Paloma asks Donna about Portal to Texas History project; they uploaded 10 things but the Portal's scanning specs are specific, and/or Architecture's metadata not quite up to snuff - maybe they can talk about it at a future meeting
  • Back to possible topics/speakers for October/November
    • Portal to TX History project
    • Donna - difficulties of finessing architecture metadata into other archival metadata standards
    • Jon - ARTSTOR/metadata for different objects - Elizabeth Schaub/Sidney Kilgore
  • Jessi - talk about TARO updates at ADWG meetings?
    • Jennifer suggests blogs and wiki, public info on the grant. 
    • Jennifer also looking for help on governance committee
    • Donna says they are taking one step at a time; schema first; deal with EAD3 later
  • Esther brings up the ArchivesSpace Pilot Project at the BCAH; Briscoe ladies discuss
    • We are the guinea pigs; documenting work and processes to streamline our work methods and to show to other campus repositories for possible cost-sharing
    • Legacy data/Finding Aid project
    • Use of XQuery to find consistencies in structure of EAD
    • Evaluation of AS, identifying use cases and problems
    • Where do we take this? Are other repositories interested? Learn from our work and conduct your own? 
    • BCAH suggests conducting a survey of other repositories on campus; what's your legacy data like?  How are you dealing with it?  Where do you see yourselves and your data in 5 years?  What methods do you want to take to move into the future?
    • Other repositories still not sure on AS
      • Ransom Center working on in-house CMS
      • PCL/UT Libraries hesitant that AS isn't ready, will be too cost-inefficient
      • Architecture ?
    • We all agree that an October demo of ArchivesSpace and the Briscoe's pilot project could bring more information to the other repositories.  We can show what we mean by maximizing efficiency of archival processes using AS, and discuss costs and potential cost sharing once we all know more
    • Jennifer suggests outreach/crossposting of information about an AS Demo so all the potential users and stakeholders could come and be involved, including potential "decision-makers"
  • Wrap-up round robin
    • New at the HRC - Amy and Abby working together on the Ian McEwan papers, mixed materials, analog and digital. Working to provide reference in the finding aid to the digital materials. Will have more info and updates as project continues
    • Mike on the UTVA at the BCAH - UTVA and Briscoe are specially positioned in the video game and media archiving world.
      • Emulation studies; old machines right in front of students, but they're imagining playing on their phones or PCs at home
      • Outreach and promoting the archive so people can use it
    • Jennifer - Metadata training game - for iSchool, for professionals, for public/volunteers
    • Ran out of time; more round robins next meeting

Discussion items


Action items

  • Amy looks into EAC/CPF use cases and speakers
  • Jessi, Jessica, Paloma, and Esther work on an AS demo for October meeting
  • Decide on a November speaker 
  • Get a co-facilitator for ADWG meetings
  • Create a survey for all repositories to discuss their legacy data and where they see themselves going with it