Public Printers

Public Printing (Pharos) Support

 source: document sent by Chris Carter, 11/8/13


The UT Libraries provides and supports a very popular print service in ten locations on campus.  Our users print an average of almost 250,000 pages per month - much more than that during the busy months of the long semesters.


The goal of UT Libraries desktop support is for the print system to be operational at all times while any of our locations is open.  However, we do not have a 24 hour support operation and must rely on the availability of our staff to volunteer to work overtime when problems occur outside of normal business hours.

To get support for the Libraries public print system outside of normal business hours, you should:





Pharos printing problems tend to fall into one of these categories:


  1. The system is working but one or more printers is out of order.  This usually results in a call to Libraries Copier Services at 5-4239, the group that supports the physical hardware and also orders the toner for the public printers.  Because these fixes generally require in-person support, this is considered a “next business day” problem.
  2. The cash card readers are working but Bevo Bucks is not.  When only Bevo Bucks is not working, this can be a problem on our server or on the Housing and Food server through which Bevo Bucks transactions are processed.  Please contact the Pharos Contact List when this happens - if it can be fixed on our end it is usually quick to do so.
  3. The credit card readers are not working to buy a new print card from the dispenser.  This is also a problem that can be caused by our server or by another server we do not control, so please contact the Pharos Contact List when this happens.
  4. No one is able to print from any printer at any location.  This is almost always our server having a problem, so please contact the Pharos Contact List ASAP when this happens.