Linux and Lonestar 5 Setup -- GVA2019

Linux and Lonestar 5 Setup -- GVA2019


This portion of the class is devoted to making sure we are all starting from the same starting point on lonestar. This tutorial was developed as a combined version of multiple other tutorials which were previously given credit here. Anyone wishing to use this tutorial is welcome.


  1. Log into lonestar5.
  2. Change your lonestar profile to the course specific format.
  3. Refresh understanding of basic linux commands with some course organization.
  4. Review use of the nano text editor program, and become familiar with several other text editor programs.


  • Logging into lonestar5

Start a new terminal window. For MACs this is done by clicking on the magnifying glass on the right hand side of the toolbar at the top of the page and type "terminal".  For windows there are many options, the simplest being putty. If using windows please see this tutorial and come back here . Log into lonestar using your account information. 

This brings us to our first "code block". There will be 3 types of code blocks used throughout this class:

  1. Visible
    1. These are code blocks that you would have no idea what to type without help.
    2. These will typically be associated with longer/more detailed text above the text box explaining things.
  2. Hinted
    1. These are code blocks that you can probably figure out what to type with a hint that goes beyond what the tutorial is requesting. Access the hint by clicking the triangle or hint hyperlink.
    2. These will always contain an additional hidden code block incase you don't find the hint as clever as I did.
  3. Hidden
    1. These code blocks represent things that either there is a good chance you know how to do already, something too straightforward to warrant a hint, or are there to give you the answer if the hint doesn't help. Access the answer by clicking "expand source" on the right hand side of the code block.

Text inside of code blocks represent "right" answers, and should either be typed EXACTLY into the terminal window as they are, or copy pasted with a notable exception. Things that exist within <> symbols represent something that you need to replace before sending it to the terminal. We try to put informative text within the brackets so you know what to replace it with. If you are ever unsure of what to replace the <> text with, just ask. 

Before logging onto TACC servers, multi-factor authentication must be set up. Click here for an overview of this process, and click here to begin setting it up

Using what we have just taught you about code blocks, log into lonestar. Since this is your first code box, it is probably worth expanding even if you know how to log into lonestar already.

How to log into lonestar
ssh <username>@ls5.tacc.utexas.edu

When prompted enter your password, and digital security code from the app, and answer "yes" to the security question.

Logging into remote computers

As a matter of internet safety, the terminal window knows you are entering a password and may not want your neighbor to s