Introduction To TACC Short Course Cheats
Update Your Profile
On Lonestar:
echo 'source /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/bin/profile_ngs_course.bash' >> ~/.profile
source .profile
This will change your PATH to give you access to databases and custom scripts set up by members of the BioITeam at UT. (That's a double >>, not a single >, important!)
A Parametric Job Example
Prepare a directory to run the job in, and split the short read files into four chunks.
mkdir BWA_Example
cd BWA_Example
cp /work/01863/benni/IntroToTacc/BWA_Example/SRR* .
split -d -l 1000 SRR1580546_1.fastq reads_R1-
split -d -l 1000 SRR1580546_2.fastq reads_R2-
Create a new text file for a list of commands to run:
nano bwa_commands.txt
Copy the 4 lines below into your editing window:
bwa mem /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/tmp/benni/hg19_ref_index/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta reads_R1-00 reads_R2-00 > test00.sam
bwa mem /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/tmp/benni/hg19_ref_index/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta reads_R1-01 reads_R2-01 > test01.sam
bwa mem /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/tmp/benni/hg19_ref_index/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta reads_R1-02 reads_R2-02 > test02.sam
bwa mem /corral-repl/utexas/BioITeam/tmp/benni/hg19_ref_index/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta reads_R1-03 reads_R2-03 > test03.sam
and exit out of nano
using ^X
, making sure to save the file.
Generate the launcher script with: -a DNAdenovo -n bwa_test -t 00:10:00 -q normal -m 'module load bwa/0.7.7' -w 2 -j bwa_commands.txt
and submit it using qsub:
qsub bwa_test.sge
Check that it's in the queue:
When the job finishes, you should have four SAM files that contain the alignment information: test0*.sam.
They have header lines. To combine them using cat
, we want to get rid of the headers. (The proper way of combining them would be to use samtools sort and merge, but that's just barely beyond our scope today.)
awk '! /^@/' test00.sam > test_noheader-00.sam
cat test_noheader*.sam
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