BME TA Resources

Inclusive Learning

Inclusive learning in a pedagogy that promotes using a variety of teaching methods and modalities (verbal, visual, interactive, didactic, etc.) rather than relying on one mode of engagement. Inclusive learning has been shown to increase student engagement and retention. UT has made a special effort to encourage instructors at all levels (professors, lecturers, TAs, and LAs) to incorporate inclusive learning strategies to increase the efficacy of their teaching. You can find more resources at the UT inclusive learning website (Link to: Additionally, you can see below the PDF entitled “Inclusive Strategies Reflection” for a quick checklist that can give you ideas on how to make your instruction more inclusive. 

Promoting Wellbeing

Student wellbeing is integral to student success. UT’s Counseling and Mental Health Center has worked together with faculty to create a compendium of strategies to promote student wellbeing in your instruction style. In the PDF “Promoting Wellbeing Centered Learning Environments” below, you can find numerous tips on how to promote social connectedness, growth mindsets, and student resilience. You can also check out their website (link to: for additional resources. Below you can also find the template for a Failure Resume. A Failure Resume is a tool you can use, as a TA, to combat perceptions of perfectionism by your students. In completing and sharing your failure resume with your students, you help them understand the important role failure plays in growth and development. In encouraging your students to complete and share their failure resume themselves, we may normalize failure as a part of success in the BME department. 

Facilitating Transition and Communication

Each year, TAs develop materials and a strategy for supporting their particular class. This experiential information is largely lost from year to year as new TAs come into each role. To preserve this experience and ensure it is passed on efficiently and effectively, each TA will complete a transition document. Additionally, we have created a list of “Suggested questions” to support establishing expectations with your instructor. 

  File Modified

Microsoft Word Document Failure Resume.docx

Aug 26, 2020 by Lacy White

PDF File TA Transition Document.pdf

Aug 26, 2020 by Lacy White

Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation BME TA Training Spring_2021.pptx

Jan 14, 2021 by Lacy White

PDF File Inclusive Strategies Reflection.pdf

Jan 14, 2021 by Lacy White

PDF File Promoting Wellbeing Centered Learning Environments.pdf

Jan 14, 2021 by Lacy White

PDF File Suggested Questions for Initial Meetings with your Instructor.pdf

Jan 14, 2021 by Lacy White

PDF File Online Teaching Tips.pdf

Jan 20, 2021 by Lacy White

PDF File TA HANDBOOK - Spring 2021.pdf

Jan 20, 2021 by Lacy White

Microsoft Word Document Instructor FAQs for the Fall 2021 Semester.docx

Aug 20, 2021 by Lacy White

PDF File 22-23 BME Instructional Support Agreement.pdf

Dec 13, 2022 by Lacy White