Graduate Advisors, GsAB, Area contacts

CAEE Graduate Advisors

Graduate Advisor, Civil Engineering

Paola Passalacqua, PhD
Graduate Advisor, Civil Engineering
Phone: (512) 471-3319

Graduate Advisor, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering

Manish Kumar, PhD
Graduate Advisor, Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Office: ECJ 8.212

Graduate Coordinator

Kathryn McWilliams

Phone: 512-232-1709


GSC Chair, Civil Engineering

Chadi El Mohtar, Ph.D.

Office: ECJ 9.227K

Phone: 512-471-3695


Graduate Studies Committee faculty

Graduate Area Advisors

BEE Building Energy & Environments: Novoselac, Atila <>

CEPM Construction Engineering & Project Mgmt: Faust, Kasey M <>

EWRE Environmental & Water Resources: Kumar, Manish <>

GEO Geotechnical Engineering: Zornberg, Jorge G <>

IMF Infrastructure Materials: Juenger, Maria <> 

MUSE Mechanics, Uncertainty and Simulation: Manuel, Lance <>

STR Structural Engineering: Anca Ferche <>

Transportation Engineering: Claudel, Christian <>

Sustainable Systems: Kinney, Kerry A <>

Ocean Engineering: Kinnas, Spyros A <>

CAEE Department Chair

Robert Gilbert, Ph.D.

Cockrell Family Chair of Departmental Leadership #3, Brunswick-Abernathy Regents Professorship in Soil Dynamics & Geotechnical Engineering


GsAB Graduate Student Advisory Board:

President & Liaison to Faculty and Staff

Jerry Potts, SUS


Surya Prakash Karuppusamy, CEPM

Student Liaison & Office Hour and Graduate Student Well-Being Chair

Dheeraj Adwani, IME

Peer Mentorship Program Chair

Ashray Saxena, GEO

Student Experience Committee Representative

Loveleen, STR

Newsletter Chair

Ekim Ekiz, MUSE

Curriculum Committee Representative & CAEE Wiki Updater

Cesar Loretto, CEPM

Mental Health and Professional Development Chair

Ali Kothwala, TRANS

Community Chair

Derya Bakiler, MUSE

Survey Chair

Bartik Pandel, GEO

GSA Representative

Sam Lin, BEE

Social Chair

Gautam Kunwar, EWRE

Contact for GsAB Mentoring Program:

The University of Texas Graduate School

Cockrell School of Engineering