• Verified
  • Personal Computers used for Research and UT Work

    Part of the effort includes understanding how personal computers are being used for research and UT work. This is to become compliant with security policies requiring UT work be completed on devices that are owned by UT and managed by UT IT staff.

    Our goal is to have everyone completing their UT work on a UT-owned computer, and for that computer to be capable of performing the required functions while being compliant with security policies. CNS OIT is working with CNS leadership to find solutions to help meet that goal.

    Check back often for updates

    This content is still under development and new content is being added regularly. The date this page was last updated can be seen under the page title.

    First, we need to understand why personal computers are being used

    We know a variety of circumstances have lead to faculty, staff, graduate students, and undergraduate student employees and researchers using their personal computers for their UT work. However, we don’t know the specifics of those circumstances nor the scale— so we need your help.

    Tell us why and how you use your personal computer

    By filling out the Personal Device Use Identification form

    This form should be filled out by anyone using their personal computer for UT work or research. This includes faculty, staff, graduate students, TAs, research staff, undergraduate student employees, and undergraduate researchers. If you know or supervise anyone using their personal computer, please send them this page so they can fill out the form.


    This form is so we can tailor solutions to your needs. Any information provided will not be used against you, your department, lab, supervisor, nor anyone else. We understand there may be roadblocks that have made using a UT-owned computer challenging— or not an option. We want to mitigate those challenges to make compliance easier.

    Identifying solutions to meet needs and mitigate constraints

    CNS OIT is collaborating with Dean Vanden Bout and CNS Department Chairs to identify options for CNS employees using personal devices for UT work. We’ll use the information provided through form submissions to find solutions that take into account technical, logistical, and financial needs. CNS OIT may reach also out to lab PIs or supervisors if we have questions or want more insight when designing solutions.

    We aren’t sure what these solutions might look like, nor do we have a timeline on when solutions will be identified.

    Implementing solutions

    How solutions are communicated and implemented will depend on a variety of things, so we don’t know what it will look like. We also don’t have a timeline nor can we provide an estimate on when any solutions might become available.

    When solutions do become available, our goal is for the implementation to cause as little disruption to productivity as possible.



    When will options be identified, communicated, and made available?

    We don’t know yet, but it’s a priority of CNS OIT’s. As more information becomes available and decisions made, we will update this page. We’ll also do our best to directly update those impacted when any actions are ready to be taken.

    Why is it a problem for me to use my personal computer for UT work?

    Using a personal computer for UT work increases the probability of a cyberattack against the University or that UT data is compromised. This is because personal computers introduce variables that can be exploited. The ISO is constantly scanning for threats and watching our IT environment to detect and prevent cyberattacks. IT works with the ISO to make sure our IT environment is as safe and secure as possible, but we can only protect what we can see and control.

    You also risk inconvenience and your personal data when you use your personal computer for UT work. In an open records request or other legal proceeding, you may be required to turn over any devices containing UT data, including personal devices, for the entire contents to be reviewed. When it comes to UT data, there is no expectation of privacy and the UT data is prioritized over your personal data.

    What should I do if I'm currently using a personal device for UT work?

    Anyone who uses a personal computer should fill out the Personal Device Use Identification form so the college can determine the scale and users' needs. If you supervise anyone such as students or research assistants who use personal computers, please send them the form so they can fill it out as well.

    Full-time staff should submit a ticket at https://help.cns.utexas.edu/ requesting a work computer. Tenure-Track faculty should provide funds to address the purchase. Professional track faculty qualify for a university laptop through the

    Will I be required to enroll my personal computer in EPM?

    NO. CNS OIT will not enroll and is not permitted to enroll personal devices in central EPM.

    Is there a plan to provide UT laptops to researchers that are currently relying on their personal computer?

    We’re still working to identify options based on the needs identified and in collaboration with leadership. We don’t yet know how likely of an option this is.

    What about undergraduate researchers working in my lab? What if I have a large number of students involved in research throughout the academic year?

    We don't have a solution identified yet, but this is a need we are aware of and planning for.

    If this describes your situation, please tell us more through the Personal Device Use Identification form.



    Questions about Endpoint Management in CNS?

    Submit an Endpoint Management Questions request to create a ticket with our CNS OIT EPM team.