CNS IT Disaster Recover Plan

CNS IT Disaster Recover Plan

The COVID-10 (Coronavirus) outbreak has created concerns across all public-facing agencies requiring that we begin measures to accommodate the possibility of working from home. The University has strict guidelines for remote access of campus services. CNS IT is working on updating this site with all relevant information to guide you through these requirements and to give you access to the tools/technologies needed to continue to perform your duties away from campus.

Measures to reduce the spread of any virus are as follows:

  • Wash your hand regularly
  • Use hand sanitizer after touching public spaces
  • Do not touch your face
  • Coughing into your sleeve and avoid spreading spit into the air
  • Staying at home when you feel sick

Additional measures that you can take in reference to the equipment you use


If the University decides to move forward with a "Work from home" policy, please note that there are several items that need to be addressed in order to proceed. 

All faculty and staff are required to use a UT-owned device to access university resources. There are instances where the department cannot supply this equipment. CNS Instructional staff using personal devices can submit a request for an instructional laptop by submitting a ticket to the CNS OIT Help Desk at http://cns.utexas.edu/help

Things to consider when working from home whether it is through a UT-owned device or a personally-owned device:



A list of applications that could help faculty and staff work from home:


Faculty and staff with CNS OIT-managed machines can access many of these applications through:

Macs: CNS App Store: 

Navigate to your Applications Folder and Select CNS App Store
