DMC 2.106 Using Midi Timecode (MTC) With Pro Tools - Pro Tools ISO Recording

In the production booth, there is now a MOTU Expression Mini getting SMPTE from HyperDeck HD1 (farthest left hyperdeck in the rack). The MOTU Expression Mini is connected to the iMac above the TF1 via USB and can be used to chase MIDI Timecode so that the HyperDeck and ProTools are locked together. Below includes both setup and troubleshooting.

    • Install both drivers and "Clockworks" Software from
    • Ensure MOTU Expression Mini is connected via USB
    • If starting from scratch, make sure to reset MOTU to factory settings (File>Reset to factory settings)
    • In the Mac Spotlight search bar, search and open Audio Midi Setup
    • Window>Show Midi Studio
    • Make sure MOTU Mini Expression shows up and isĀ not greyed out
    • Open Pro Tools
    • If "2.106 Production" template is not available, create new session
    • Go to Setup>Peripherals and choose The MOTU Cable for the MTC Reader Port
    • Go to Setup>Peripherals>Machine Control and enable "Midi Machine Control Remote"
    • Go to Setup>MIDI>Midi Beat Clock and enable Midi Beat Clock for MOTU All Cables
    • Enable Transport button (lit up button on screenshot)
    • Ensure the ATEM and HyperDeck are running on 30fps
    • Go to Setup>Session and ensure the Timecode rate matches the HyperDeck (30fps)
    • Open Clockworks and set Internal / 30 (same as HyperDeck) / Record
    • Hit play on the Clockworks transport window - Pro Tools should now start running
    • Switch "Internal" in Clockworks to LTC Quicklock
    • Pro Tools and the Hyperdeck should be following the Time of Day Timecode from the ATEM
    • FIX SYNC OFFSET - If there is an offset between Pro Tools and the Hyperdeck, it can be fixed by going to Pro Tools Setup>Current Timecode Offset
      • For 2.106, the offset at the time of making this wiki is 00:00:00:06 (Desired Timecode Position if Current Timecode Position is 00:00:00:00)

    • Open Pro Tools & create new session using "2.106 PRODUCTION" Template
    • Record Ready all tracks
    • Enable Transport button - Pro Tools should start chasing timecode
    • Press record on HyperDeck

    • If Pro Tools isn't following the Hyperdeck, try any of the following and it will likely fix itself:
    • Restart Pro Tools
    • Unplug MOTU and plug back in after 15 seconds
    • Ensure Lock button on MOTU is bright green
    • Restart Computer