Record & Upload a Clinical Session.

Record & Upload a Clinical Session.

Log on to the computer in the clinic room with your UT EID and password.

If you cannot login, have your supervisor contact the helpdesk.

Double-Click on Clinic Cameras folder on your desktop. 

Cameras can only be accessed by authorized users using specific authorized machines in the clinic.

Cameras cannot be accessed via VPN or WiFi. 

If you do not see this folder on your desktop, be sure you are using one of the PCs in the CMA 2 clinical rooms. If so, have your supervisor contact the helpdesk.

Gotcha -  If the cameras have blue icons, set them to open with VLC:

These files won't play easily using other apps besides VLC.

Right-click on one, choose open with > Choose Another App. 

Choose VLC Media Player, check "always use this app to open .m3u files," and click OK.

Double-Click on a camera to view it in VLC.

If a Windows Firewall permissions screen pops up, just click cancel.

Remember that you must un-mute a room's microphone for observers to be able to hear the session and for the camera to receive audio.

A green light on the microphone means the microphone is on/unmuted.

To record a session, click the record button in the toolbar below the video. 

A blue box indicates VLC is recording.

To stop the recording, click the record button again.

Use the mute and volume adjustment in VLC to adjust how loud your speakers are while you are recording. Pressing mute does NOT affect your recorded file – only the speakers on your computer.

Gotcha - If you don't see the record button:

in VLC, click Tools > Customize Interface.

Scroll down in the toolbar elements list until you see "Record"

Click & Drag "Record" to Line 2 next to the "Pause" button. 

Click Close.

After you have stopped your recording, you will see the file saved in your "My Camera Recordings" folder on your Desktop.

If you prefer to see a list of files instead of icons, click View > Details.

The recorded files will be named with the date, time, and room you recorded in. 

Rename the recorded file with the first 2 letters of the subject's first and last names followed by an underscore and a date/time stamp. To rename a file, select it, then right click > rename. Edit/Type the new name and then press Enter.

Gotcha - If the recorded files have blue icons:

Right-click on one, choose open with > Choose Another App. 

Choose VLC Media Player, check "always use this app to open .mp4 files," and click OK.

Upload the file to the Box folder provided by your supervisor.

TIP: Minimize the window while the recording is occurring, if there's a chance the client could see it and be distracted.

For Computer Assistance: Contact the Tech Services Help Desk, comm-help@austin.utexas.edu, 512-471-1199

Reviewed 9/28/17 - Cox

Reworked 4/21/22 - Cox - Updated to retire I.E. and transition to VLC.

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