Computer Service / IT Support

Computer Service / IT Support

Always remember to try a reboot first! (smile) https://www.facebook.com/IFreakingLoveProgramming/posts/759248407519458:0

Submitting an IT Service Request

Finding your computer's name

On an IT service Request trouble ticket, you'll need to include the computer's name and room number. To find the name, usually it is the first line on a yellow sticker that is on the computer. Sometimes the yellow sticker is wrong. To locate the name:

PC Instructions

  1. Go to the Windows Start button and select "Computer"
  2. The computer name is located on the bottom information bar. For CTR computers, it will be something like CTR-lastname Domain:austin.utexas.edu

Recording Screenshots to describe problems

Sometimes it is easier to attach a screenshot of a problem when emailing IT.

Note: The screenshots above were first captured using the Problem Steps Recorder (Option 2) and then capturing just a portion of each image using the Snipping tool (Option 1)

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