CTR Website

Please take time to review the CTR Website for information you may need later. Visit the Staff Resources (https://ctr.utexas.edu/staff-resources) page (link is at the footer of each web page) for information that you will need to know.

In 2017, a page was added to answer visitor questions about employment: http://ctr.utexas.edu/about/jobs/ It includes information about internships.

If you are a full-time CTR employee, you will be listed in the CTR People Directory (https://ctr.utexas.edu/people) either under "Researchers" or "Staff." Please contact the CTR Webmaster (ctrweb@utexas.edu)  and provide the following information:

Bios for faculty and other researchers

  • Profile Photo (~ 720 x 900 or similar dimensions)
  • Email
  • Office Phone Number
  • Blurb (post-nominal titles, official UT job title, Functional Title, name of any specific CTR research group affiliation such as NMC)

Post nominal titles are ordered as follows:

      1. Academic degrees
      2. Honorary degrees, honors, decorations
      3. Professional licenses, certifications and affiliations
      4. Retired uniformed service
  • Quick Facts (bullet point list including info on awarded degrees, etc.)
  • Areas of Research (bullet point list)
  • Short bio
  • Link to any YouTube videos featuring your research
  • Examples of content are:
    1. https://ctr.utexas.edu/people/researchers/robert-harrison/
    2. https://ctr.utexas.edu/people/researchers/nabeel-khwaja/
    3. https://ctr.utexas.edu/people/researchers/oguzhan-bayrak/ (includes video)


Bios for Staff

  • Profile Photo (~ 720 x 900 or similar dimensions. Optional.)
  • Email
  • Office Phone Number
  • Blurb: post-nominal titles, official UT job title, Office room number (optional: Functional Title, name of a researcher if admin for specific researcher)
    Post nominal titles are ordered as follows:
      1. Academic degrees
      2. Honorary degrees, honors, decorations
      3. Professional licenses, certifications and affiliations
      4. Retired uniformed service