
Share recommendations or develop templates here.

Melanie Cofield, Tarlton Law Library, 07/16/2010 - On the Dspace-general mailing list, I saw mention of a tool (Excel file with macros enabled) that auto-generates XML files required for batch import into DSpace.  I found a derivative of the tool online, which we modified slightly - and it worked well for our batch submission of 81 works into our UT School of Law Class Composite Photographs collection. Our version of the tool is attached here - usage instructions are contained within it, on the "settings" sheet. 


  File Modified

Microsoft Excel Sheet TLL_batch_importer.xls

Sep 17, 2010 by Melanie Cofield

PDF File Video_Metadata_Guidelines_v1.pdf

Dec 01, 2010 by Amy Elisa Rushing

File UTVIDEOTech.xsd

Dec 01, 2010 by Amy Elisa Rushing

File UTVIDEOSrc.xsd

Dec 01, 2010 by Amy Elisa Rushing

XML File UTVideoMETS.xml

Dec 01, 2010 by Amy Elisa Rushing


Oct 14, 2014 by Willis, Laura P