Counterintuitive fields

'Y' isn't always 'yes' and '0' isn't always 'no'.

In the UT_RPTVW_HOLD_BILLING report view there is a field called CLOSED_Y_N.  Below is a screenshot of a few rows of results.

CLOSED_Y_N is using this case statement: "WO_CLOSE_DATE" IS NULL THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N'.  In other words, active work orders are 'Y' and inactive work orders are 'N'.

In a related report view, UT_RVW_HOLD_BILLING_NO_CP, there's a twist for the field called WO_CLOSED_Y_N.

WO_CLOSED_Y_N is using this case statement: CASE  WHEN "WO_CLOSE_DATE" IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0.  The results are '0' for inactive work orders and '1' for active work orders.