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Backup and Recovery - UT Backup
What is UTBackup?
UTBackup is a computer backup service that uses a software client to store copies of selected files to the approved Code42 cloud storage or an external storage device. It copies selected folders and files every 10 minutes, encrypting in accordance to Category I data standards. A user may then restore files from the desktop software or web browser.
This is not a file synchronization system (like Dropbox, UTBox), but a program to backup existing files. The purpose is to backup information that may be lost in the event of a disaster or accident (i.e. computer hard drive crash or damaged, recovering a file that you deleted.)
Who is eligible to use UTBackup?
UT Austin Faculty and Staff are eligible to use UTBackup. Research group compute devices are also eligible, but does require provisioning from ECE-IT. Please email for more information using UTBackup on research group computers.
Where can I download UTBackup?
UTBackup software is available to download at this location with registration information provided through departmental Information Technology staff by sending an email to