This site is brought to you by the Electrical and Computer Engineering department
Copying and Printing
Printing is provided by the campus UTPrint service. The UTprint system is a convenient way to print documents on the UT Austin campus. Simply log in with your UT EID and print to one of the many printers available in buildings. Students must have a Bevo Bucks account. To manage your Bevo Bucks account, please visit
UTprint: home page
UTprint: printer locations
Departmental Copiers
ECE Course Teaching Assistants (TAs)
Please email to request additional information. The ECE department has a couple of dedicated copiers (not printers) for TAs to utilize for course instruction only.
Departmental Printers - Faculty
ECE departmental faculty have access to a set of multifunctional black and white printer/copiers. Full details are available at this Wiki page - /wiki/spaces/ECEDirect/pages/54591700. You'll need to have an active UT Wiki account to access this page. Be sure to login at to create an account. If you're account is deactivated, please send email to