Create Windows Desktop Shortcut to Austin Disk Share & Scan Folders
Create Windows Desktop Shortcut to Austin Disk Share & Scan Folders
This applies ONLY TO: Dean's Office, CII and NASCENT
How to Create Windows Desktop Shortcuts
- Determine the path to your folder.
- For example: \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\ENGR\DOE\ITG
- HINT: You can browse to the desired folder by selecting one of the pre-created Desktop Shortcuts and note the folder path.
- DOE Folder
- DOE Individual Staff Folders
- Scanners Folder
- DOE Folder
- HINT: You can browse to the desired folder by selecting one of the pre-created Desktop Shortcuts and note the folder path.
- For example: \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\ENGR\DOE\ITG
- Right-click white-space on your Desktop and choose: New>Shortcut
- Enter the folder path:
- For example: \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\ENGR\DOE\YourUnitName
- Next
- Enter the name for the shortcut & Finish
- If you wish to change the shortcut icon for easier recognition:
- Right-click on the newly created shortcut and choose, Properties
- In the Shortcut tab, select Change icon... button.
- Select the icon you like, then OK > OK
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