Install Microsoft Office 365 on your UT computer

To install Microsoft Office version, Office 365. It takes about 5-10 minutes.

NOTE:  IF you have Microsoft Project or Microsoft Visio installed, DO NOT install this since it will uninstall these applications. Please contact the Service Desk for special instructions/assistance.

  1. Close all Office applications (e.g. Word, Excel, Outlook…)

  2. Search & Open: "Software Center"

  3. In Software Center, go to the "Applications" section (left panel) and select the application, Office 365 - default CSE Install.

  4. Select Install

  5.  The install takes 5-10 minutes.
  6. When it is finished, the status will indicate "Installed".
  7. Close the Software Center and open an Office Application. 
  8. Office may take a few more moments to open. Upon opening the new version, please just give it a few seconds to settle in even after opening a second time.