Can't Make This Up: You're Doing It Wrong! with Bethany L. Johnson

One downfall of living in the Internet age with access to all the world's knowledge is that we also live with access to all the world's advice. Whether an opinion is based on science, tradition, or personal experience, there are countless blogs and experts ready to tell us how to live. This chaos is only compounded when you have children. Those of us who are dads can certainly relate to this, but I think we can agree that moms bare the brunt of it even before their baby is born. Natural birth or epidural? Breastfeeding or formula? Cry-it-out or attachment parenting? Co-sleeping or crib? On today's show, my guest and I talk about the history behind mothering expertise and how this flood of advice has always been the case to some degree.

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Genre(s): Health, Medicine, & Society

Source/Creator: CMTU History

Date Aired: 1/4/2020