Finding Fellowships

Finding Fellowships


  1. Talk with colleagues in your department, including your department Chair. Often, they’ll know of the fellowships most popular and/or best suited to the department and your research area. They may be able to put you in touch with individuals who have applied for or received an external fellowship, or they may have applied and could provide helpful information about the process.

  2. Check out the lists of competitive and prestigious external fellowships right here in this wiki resource.
    Prestigious Faculty Fellowships
    Competitive External Fellowships

  3. Subscribe to the CoLA RSO Grants Digest, a monthly publication that curates lists and links to a variety of funders and programs. The curated lists are aimed specifically at Humanities and Social Sciences opportunities, including many external fellowships. This is a great springboard for accessing the robust database of funding opportunities housed in the PIVOT website; a free service provided by UT Austin.

  4. You don’t have to wait for the next Grants Digest! Head to the Pivot Funding Database and search directly for External Fellowships

    1. Keywords: Faculty, Fellowship, Humanities, Social Sciences
      Try other keyword searches, such as particular universities, your research area, etc.

    2. Use the ‘Refine search’ option to further specify area of interest, research or specific need

  5. Check out the website for the Office of Vice President for Research, Scholarship & Creative Endeavors (OVPR), specifically the Find Funding page, to learn about calls for limited submissions, Open Call Funding and other opportunities.

  6. Doing a general Internet search for Faculty Research Fellowships will lead to accessing additional lists of fellowships maintained (or offered) by other universities, as well as by foundations, non-profits and partner organizations.


Faculty External Fellowships

CoLA Faculty Leaves & Awards

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