Leslie Waggener Centennial Teaching Fellowship
Full Nomination Deadline: Monday, April 7, 2025
Upload to: UT Box Teaching Awards Submission Folder
Criteria: Presented annually to faculty in the College of Liberal Arts who have exemplified outstanding teaching in foreign language instruction.
Eligibility: Nominees must be full-time members of the Liberal Arts faculty.
Total #awards: 1
Nomination packets are limited to 10 pages total (not including the cover page detailed in Section A)
Nominations should be submitted as a single PDF; label documents as: “LName, FName_AwardName_2024-25.pdf”
Each award must include the following sections:
Section A: Cover page and confirmation of minimal eligibility requirements met (1 page)
Nominee’s name, job title, and EID
Contact Information
Confirmation of minimal eligibility requirements met
Permission for the award packet to be published on COLA websites should the nominee be selected for the award
Section B: Candidate teaching philosophy (2 pages)
A statement of teaching philosophy that demonstrate a commitment to teaching. Candidates must include insights and examples of how they have had broader impacts on the campus and their communities (e.g. in their discipline, course content, administrative and/or committee work). The statement should also include insights and examples pertaining to:
How the nominee has evolved in their pedagogical approach to increase student engagement.
How feedback from students, peers, and/or faculty have contributed to the nominee’s ongoing pedagogical improvement.
Evidence or examples of innovation in course design, instructional delivery, and/or approach.
Section C: Supporting Materials (up to 8 pages)
Materials included must demonstrate with data and supporting evidence the faculty’s effectiveness in terms of student learning/development. In this section applicants are welcome to include:
Course Instructor Surveys (up to 3 pages)
Candidates will include in the template chart relevant information from the three most recent years.
Candidates may include up to two pages of representative student comments from courses in the two most recent years.
Brief/condensed CV that includes the following sections (up to 2 pages):
Teaching-related service and research
Teaching awards/honors
Two letters of support (up to 3 pages)
Letters may be written by any of the following faculty colleagues (no more than one colleague external to UT), department chair, university administrator or student (no more than one student letter).
Optional: Candidates may include up to 10 minutes of multimedia, digital, and other forms of content.
Recipients will each receive an honorarium of $5,000* via payroll.
*Amount of honorarium may vary depending on endowment income
Number of awards for 2025: 2 recipients