
Drupal is a content management system (CMS) platform that is used to allow users to create and edit websites. Similar CMS platforms include WordPress, Shopify, and Wix. Drupal is open source and has a community of developers that work towards extending its functionality with a growing library of free extensions (modules). Drupal offers a wide range of features for customizations and user management but can be difficult to learn and maintain. Our client (SCORE Austin) used an outdated version of Drupal for their website, and we ran into many issues with getting access to needed features and modules, which left us minimal freedom to create more user-friendly interface. In the end we had to rely on using customized HTML code instead of using Drupal’s built-in functions.

More info about Drupal: https://drupalize.me/guide/introduction-drupal

Drupal Modules: https://www.drupal.org/project/project_module
