The principal library used by MS&E students is the Engineering (McKinney) Library, located in the Engineering Education and Research Center, EER 1.706. It is a branch of the General Libraries and has more than 165,000 volumes in all fields of engineering. Patent information, standards, and manufacturers' catalogs are available at this branch. A network containing the Applied Science and Technology Index, Engineering Index and numerous other databases are available for free self-service computerized literature searches.
Other branch libraries that are useful to engineering students are the Chemistry (Mallet) Library, WEL 2.132 (currently closed for renovations, can reserve textbooks from the Physics-Math-Astronomy Library in RLM 4.200); the Physics-Mathematics-Astronomy (Kuehne) Library, RLM 4.200; and the Geology (Walter) Library, JGB 4.202. The main collection of the General Libraries is located in the Perry-CastaƱeda Library (PCL), located on the corner of Speedway and 21st. Call 512-495-4511 for information on hours; each branch has different hours of operation. You may access the UT library online catalog (UTCAT), using a public terminal in the library or from a personal computer, for information on items in the General Libraries and library hours. Many research tools, including numerous journal subscriptions are available online here at the main UT Austin Libraries page.
Library orientation tours are usually offered at the beginning of each semester or feel free to ask a librarian if you have questions about finding materials in the library. Please note that all students are fined for overdue books but most books can be checked out for an entire semester.