Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources


Plan of Action:

I’m experiencing an emergency or immediate safety threat and/or concern.


Call 911 or UTPD: 512-471-4441


I’m experiencing a crisis


Call the UT 24/7 Crisis Line: 512-471-2255 or walk-in to UT’s Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC) Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm, SSB 5th floor


I’m concerned another person at UT may be in crisis


Call the Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL): 512-232-5050


I might need mental health support


Reach out to UT’s Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC): 512-471-3515, Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm, SSB 5th floor to speak with someone about the best support option for you, including individual and group counseling, classes and workshops. You can also contact the Engineering CARE Counselor, Jeni Wade: 512-471-8396, EER 2.848. UT employees may be eligible for individual video counseling through UT’s Employee Assistance Program: 512-471-3366


For non-mental health support with an emergency


Contact Student Emergency Services at 512-471-5017 or in SSB 4.104


1. Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL) 512-232-5050

Are you worried about a student in your class, bothered that your roommate has been acting differently, or concerned about the behavior of a co-worker? Do you have concerns but are not sure what to do? If so, contact the Behavior Concerns Advice line at 512-232-5050 or submit your concerns using the online form.

The Behavior Advice Line is a service that provides The University of Texas at Austin’s faculty, students, and staff an opportunity to discuss their concerns about another individual’s behavior.  Trained staff members will assist the individual in exploring available options and strategies.  They will also provide appropriate guidance and resource referrals to address the particular situation.  Any concerns for the welfare of a fellow student can be directed to this number. Confidentiality will be maintained as much as possible, however the university may be required to release some information to appropriate parties. Your online request is not anonymous. If you wish to remain anonymous please call the BCAL line at 512-232-5050.

Cases that present an immediate threat to self, others, or property should be considered an emergency and should be directed to The University of Texas Police Department (UTPD) by calling 911.

2. Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC)

The CMHC provides counseling, psychiatric consultations, and prevention services that facilitate student’s academic and life goals while enhancing their personal growth and well-being.  They have short-term individual counseling, group counseling, workshops, classes, and MindBody labs. You can find more information here.   

3. CMHC Crisis Line

CMHC Crisis Line is a confidential service of CMHC that offers an opportunity for UT-Austin students to talk with trained counselors about urgent concerns. A counselor is available every day of the year, including holidays. You can call us when you want, at your convenience. Our telephone counselors will spend time addressing your immediate concerns. Our telephone counselors also have specific training in responding to crisis situations.

4. Counselors in Academic Residence Program (CARE)

CARE’s primary mission is to provide access to mental health support for students who are

struggling emotionally and/or academically. Our presence normalizes the counseling process and makes us readily available for services. We decrease barriers by assisting students in a location that is familiar and convenient for them. CARE counselors get to know the concerns that are unique to their college’s students. They integrate in the college and provide support and consultation on mental health issues for advisors, faculty and dean’s staff.

The CARE counselor for the Cockrell School of Engineering is Jeni Wade, LCSW. Her office hours are Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 1-2pm. Jeni is located in Engineering Student Services South, EER 2.848. Call 512-471-8396.

5. Student Emergency Services (SES)

SES helps students and their families during difficult or emergency situations. Assistance includes outreach, advocacy, intervention, support, and referrals to relevant campus and community resources. Please note, their office does not provide counseling services.

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