Run Purge Documents tool

The following procedure provides instructions for running the PurgeDocuments tool.

1.  Open the FAS Production Vault Tools & Support folder (most likely you will have a shortcut on your desktop).

This folder is located within the acad-plus$ folder and trx-meridian2 network folder.

Follow these steps for the VPUO Production Vault Tools and Support Folder. (Records in this vault are from a retired vault)

2.  Open the Tools folder.

3.  Open (double-click) the PurgeDocuments tool.

4.  Confirm that the correct Configuration File is selected and that the correct Meridian Vault is listed.

5.  Click the Purge Documents button.

6.  Respond Yes when the Log Exists box asks if you want to append the list.  Note:  this will ensure that we have a history of each time the tool is run rather than replacing / overwriting the file.

7.  When the tool completes, the PurgeDocuments list opens in Notepad.  The most recent updates will be included at the end of the lsit.  Close the Notepad file.

8.  Exit the Purge Documents tool.

End of Run PurgeDocuments tool procedure.