Adding TAs, Instructors, and Student Guests
In Quest you have the ability to authorize other instructors to access your course. From the left menu bar on your course page, select 'Authorize Instructor'. This is also where you may add importers, learning assistants, and TAs.
Depending on what permissions you want to grant the instructor there are several different options:
- Primary instructors, additional primary instructors and secondary instructors share all of the same privileges. Authorizing another instructor to one of these levels will allow them to do things like create and publish assignments, change dates and grades and more. It also allows access to the course for them to access even after student access has ended. This is great for colleagues who may want to copy or build upon some of your material in semesters or years to come.
- Teaching assistants have the same access as instructors, but lose access to the course when the students do. Feel free to share these Quest tips for TAs, and we welcome the opportunity to get to train, clarify, and get feedback from TAs and their use of quest (email , or come visit PMA 15.320G during non-pandemic times).
- An importer is unable to make any changes to your course but has the ability to copy assignments into their own class for the current semester in which the original class is active.
- The Learning Assistant (LA) role was originally created for high school teachers to have coordinated courses and offers no function to create assignments–LAs can change assignment start/due dates, publish assignments (already created), and change student grades.
Permission | View Published Assignments | Create Assignments | Publish Assignments | Change/ View Assignment Dates | Copy Assignments into a course | Change and View Grades | Access to material after semester closes |
Primary Instructor Additional Primary Instructor Secondary Instructor | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Importer | x | x | x | ||||
Teaching Assistant | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
Learning Assistant | x | x | x | x |
One more option not on this page is adding someone (usually an undergraduate TA) as a guest student to your class. Guests:
- see published student-facing material and solutions as a student in your class does
- do not see any assignments under creation (unpublished)
- are not expected to turn in assignments regularly, and their scores are not used to compute class averages nor exported as part of the class grade set.
As the primary instructor, you are enrolled in your own class as a guest so you can see what students see!
If you would like to add a student as a guest, ask the student to enroll in your course (via unique), and then approve them as a guest on approve enrollments. Their guest status will will be noted on your roster page. A student auditing your course or an undergrad Learning Assistant (who you want to see the material without seeing solutions before they are posted) would be examples of when you might mark someone as a guest.
Because guests are treated as students, they will be prompted to pay for access unless you tell us otherwise. Please, please tell us if any of your guests should not be charged for Quest! Emails before billing ends (usually ~2 weeks into the semester) are greatly appreciated to eliminate their bills fuss free:
Feel free to email with any questions or concerns!