

Semester's Start

Copy course content (must have secondary instructor status if not in the current semester)

Different assignment types

Move assignments on your page/assignment groups

Authorize instructors

Formatting class announcements in html

Import questions in bulk (export/import) from assignments

Find just the questions you want! Quest offers historic meta-data on problems from your institution and allows you to peruse only problems that offer number variance within a class.

Making your own questions! Start with html multiple choice before introducing number randomization with Tex/C+JS

Participation credit

(UT Instructors only) Sync Grades to Canvas

Preparing for Exams

Change layout interface (you'll miss out on all of these online testing tools!)

Professor pre-exam checklist

Exam dashboard

What students can expect from online testing, with recommendations here (if wanting more stringent watching, try Proctorio, students accessing assignment via Canvas)

Staggered start times via exam groups

Hybrid tests

Make up exams/distributing an assignment to just a few students

Webcam proctoring

Catching Academic Integrity Offenders

Your input matters! Please send suggestions to questhelp@austin.utexas.edu

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