What's New?
What's New?
What's New in Quest?
June 2021
- Online testing via learning modules in test mode
- Groups can be enabled so students can start at different times (and/or you can run through your test as a student to make sure all looks as expected)
- See who is in each of these staggered start groups (and erase all groups)
- Set a prerequisite assignment before another assignment becomes available
- Confirm ADA time accommodations were granted on your roster page (you can double check us on the exam dashboard, ADA column)
- Go through a Pre-exam checklist for you to help keep you organized (remember to publish at least 48 hours before your students take it)
- Exam dashboard offers one place to look for all your testing happenings!
- Students are now able to change their test responses (within time), up until there is a response in for all.
- Total running tally of assignment points during creation
- Security and Performance upgrades
- Starting summer 21, Quest fee will be reduced to $25
- Signposting when your next assignment is due on your login page
- Ability to change answers in Quest exams after submitting
- Dynamic timer in upper left hand corner
- Please follow these recommendations before online testing
System performance:
- Faster user interface
- Increased server capacity
- Security and Performance upgrades
Sustained Enhancements
- Student login history
- Question variations field
- Arrows to move questions within an assignment
- Turn the proctoring webcam dials on or off
- Dynamic countdown timer on timed tests displayed
- Distance learning support
- Matrix style free response questions
Hybrid tests including (manually graded) essay questions able to be administered
- Allow bulk late submit for students added to course late
- Delete personal bank item questions (in editor)
- Static level preview of an assignment (to be able to discuss with support team without everyone having a different version)
- Modern search tool, complete with question tags to filter, and institutional history success rate!
- Bubblesheet scanner for Quest exam use in PMA 15.320
- Addition of Time Zone specific handling
- Errant UTLogoff timeframe relaxed in times of latency–thank you for your Fall 2019 survey input concerning this!
- Personalization of custom review questions
- Solutions offered to custom reviews (instructor released)
- Elimination of Negative Point (guessing penalty) as default grading behavior (since spring 19)
- Delete old custom reviews using the red trash can
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