General Culture - Additional Basic Education Requirement (BA Theatre and Dance)
General Culture - Additional Basic Education Requirement (BA Theatre and Dance)
General Culture Notes
Example: AMS 310 Intro to American Studies is an acceptable prefix, but this course can satisfy the Core U.S.History requirement. This is noted with the "HI" icon on the course schedule. So, if you're lacking 3 hours of Core U.S. History, this AMS 310 course will only satisfy that Core History requirement. If you opt to complete AMS 310 for Core History and later decide to take a 3rd Core History course, AMS 310 can move into the General Culture requirement. |
General Culture Department Prefixes and Subjects
Please check the course schedule for potential "open" options and prerequisites.
AAS | Asian American Studies |
AFR | African and African Diaspora Studies |
AHC | Ancient History and Classical Civilization |
AMS | American Studies |
ANS | Asian Studies |
ARC | Architecture |
ARH | Art History (for 2022-2024 or newer catalogs only) |
C C | Classical Civilization |
C L | Comparative Literature |
CLS | Cultural Studies |
CMS | Communication Studies (only until 2022-2024 or older catalogs) |
EUS | European Studies |
F C | French Civilization |
GK | Greek |
GSD | German, Scandinavian, and Dutch Studies |
HMN | Humanities |
ISL | Islamic Studies |
ITC | Italian Civilization |
J S | Jewish Studies |
LAS | Latin American Studies |
LAT | Latin |
MAS | Mexican American Studies |
MDV | Medieval Studies |
MES | Middle Eastern Studies |
PHL | Philosophy |
PRC | Portuguese Civilization |
R S | Religious Studies |
REE | Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies |
SPC | Spanish Civilization |
WGS | Women’s and Gender Studies |
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