Satisfactory Standing

The following conditions must be met and maintained in order to remain in satisfactory standing in the Art Education/VAS program:

  • Student must receive a B or above in all AED and EDC courses. (If they earn a B- or below they may be required to retake the course.)
  • Student must attain and maintain a 3.0 GPA in all upper-division studio art, art history, visual art studies and education courses.
  • Students must demonstrate professionalism in all field experiences and coursework.
  • While completing all required course work and certification requirements, all students admitted to the PDS are expected to continue to meet high standards in professionalism and accountability.  These standards include:

Students are expected to maintain regular communication with the Art Education faculty/field coordinator and with the College of Education. Students are encouraged to check their email regularly for messages from the Art Education Coordinator or the College of Education.  Each student is responsible for monitoring their status in the Professional Development Sequence and for satisfactorily completing all requirements. Art Education Faculty must give the final approval in order for candidates to move forward to the final semester of student teaching.