Field Experience

Field Experiences at The University of Texas at Austin are an integral component of teacher preparation programs, built on strong collaboration between school districts and colleges of the University. These experiences are designed to be sequential, cumulative, and performance-based while preparing graduates to implement and evaluate effective practices with diverse student populations in varied settings.

Students must satisfy district policies/standards in order to receive field placement appointments. This includes passing a criminal history check which is required by every district. This ensures that you do not have a criminal background or any infractions working with children. You will need to arrange your own transportation to all field placements.

  • In AED 330 you will work with Pre-K children in a local setting.
  • In AED 341C you will complete community-based observations.
  • In EDC 331S (Intern I) you will be assigned to an elementary art classroom for 28 hours of observation (completed outside of class hours).
  • In EDC 332S (Intern II) you will be assigned to a secondary art classroom for 28 hours of observation (completed outside of class hours).