Editing a Wiki Space's Color Scheme

Editing a Wiki Space's Color Scheme

Wiki Space Color Schemes

Space administrators are able to edit the color scheme for their wiki space. If you and your team wish, you can create a new color scheme to meet your team's specific needs.

If you wish to revert back to the original color scheme at any time, just select the Global Color Scheme or hit "Reset" in the Custom Color Scheme.

Creating a Custom Color Scheme:

To create a custom color scheme follow these steps:

  1.  Select "Space Tools" and then "Look and Feel"

  2.  Select "Color Scheme" then select "Custom Color Scheme" and hit "Select"

  3.  Enter the HTML code for the element you would like to customize and select "Save" when finished

List of Customizable Elements:

  • Top Bar - the top navigation bar background
  • Top Bar Text - the text on the top navigation bar
  • Header Button Background - buttons on the top navigation bar (e.g. Create button)
  • Header Button Text - the text on buttons on the top navigation bar
  • Top Bar Menu Selected Background - background color of top navigation bar menu items when selected (e.g. spaces)
  • Top Bar Menu Selected Text - text color of top navigation bar menu items when selected
  • Top Bar Menu Item Text - text on top navigation bar drop down menus (e.g. help or cog)
  • Menu Item Selected Background - highlight color on top navigation bar drop down menu items
  • Menu Item Selected Text - text color on highlighted top navigation bar drop down menu items
  • Search Field Background - the background color of the search field on the header
  • Search Field Text - the color of the text in the search field on the header
  • Page Menu Selected Background - the background color of the drop down page menu when selected
  • Page Menu Item Text - the text of the menu items in the drop down page menu
  • Heading Text - all heading tags throughout the space
  • Links  - all links throughout the space
  • Borders and Dividers - table borders and dividing lines

Helpful Links:

For help choosing a color use a tool like the W3schools' Color Picker:

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