Lab Calendars and Cronogramas

MADR Lab Clinician Procedures: Scheduling and Calendar Management


MADR Lab Participant and Non-Participant meetings should always be programmed in the calendars. This is crucial because:

  1. It supports the complex operational procedures required to successfully manage the clinical caseload and ongoing research tasks/projects.

  2. Our scheduling tools are the most important point of communication with our international collaborators who are at different time zones. Because we are operating at different times it becomes even more important to have all commitments represented accurately so that all parties have access to the latest information during their workdays.

  3. It is the main tool for us to communicate with other lab members our participant or non-participant commitments. In other words, it allows clinicians to communicate their availability and let others know when they are not available.


Clinician Responsibilities:

  • Screening and Consenting procedures are carried out mainly by Camille, Sonia, Júlia, Estef and the graduate extern. Once a participant is assigned to a clinician, it will be the clinician’s responsibility to set the dates of their patients sessions so that the coordinator (Estef) can schedule them on the calendar. It is important to communicate any changes in the scheduled dates in order to regularly update the calendars to ensure that the caseload and commitments are accurate.

  • Clinicians should consider scheduling as a priority task.

  • In summary, clinicians should iestablish:

    • Participant sessions, including education sessions/family conferences

    • Meetings with lab members or collaborators

    • Availability not committed to participant sessions.

And the coordinator must be informed in order to be able to add the necessary information to the calendar.

The main scheduling tools we use are:

  1. Google calendar (organized by sub-calendars according to site and meeting type)

  2. Site-specific Cronogramas

Google Calendar

The Google Calendar includes a handful of individual calendars: the R01 patients calendar, a MADR Lab Non-Participant meetings, a MADR Lab staffing calendar, a R01_BCN_staffing and a MADR-Lab NON-BARCELONA PATIENT Meetings.

  1. In R01_HSP Calendar:

    1. Schedule Barcelona participant sessions.

      1. Sessions should be labeled with AT LEAST the following information: MADRcode/BACCcode/Patientinitials (if it’s the first visit)_NHC_clinician's initials_Sessiontypeandlanguage_IP (for in person sessions)/TT (for telematic sessions) Ex: [BISE001_68927_SMK_PretxSpan2_IP]; BILP100_45687_JFM_Tx3Cat_TT]

      2. If a clinician needs Dr. Grasso or Camille to attend a session (due to supervision requirements or for clinical/technical support) please add them as guests to the ‘event’. This will automatically ping Dr. Grasso and Camille and they will be directly notified that they have that time commitment.

    2. Once the participant’s initial schedule is confirmed, sessions should be scheduled for the entirety of the participant’s protocol (pre-tx, tx, and post-tx). If there are scheduling changes, individual sessions should be updated.

      1. Having the complete protocol scheduled allows us to have a better idea of each clinician’s availability when planning. More importantly, it allows us to forecast the caseload for our collaborators.

  2. In MADR Lab Non-Participant meetings

    1. Schedule all meetings with other team members or collaborators. This allows other team members to identify when clinicians have commitments. Sessions can be identified by the clinicians’ initials [CWR and SG weekly meeting].

    2. Here you will also find R01, SLPs and Lab Meetings and other events of interest (research talks, **Happy hoouuuuuur**)

  3. In the MADR Lab_Staffing

    1. Schedule your time in the lab throughout the week. Please include time that is spent in participant sessions.

    2. This is will be our overview of who is working in the lab during the day. Graduate and undergraduate RAs must update their availability on this calendar as well.

  4. In the R01_BCN_staffing

a. Schedule the opening hours of the Barcelona clinics and find out when they are in the office.

b. Telematic and in person work must be specified by using the acronym WFH or by specifying if it is face-to-face from the Office in HSP.


a. Schedule Mexico participant sessions.


Google calendar names


How to use it

R01_HSP Calendar

For Schedule all participant sessions using the google calendar plug-in from Zoom.

Sessions should be labeled with AT LEAST the following information: MADRcode/BACCcode/Patientinitials (if it’s the first visit)_NHC_clinician's initials_Sessiontypeandlanguage_IP (for in person sessions)/TT (for telematic sessions)

Ex: [BISE001_68927_SMK_PretxSpan2_IP]

The MAD Lab email should be added as a guest to the scheduled event.

If a clinician needs Dr. Grasso or Camille to attend a session (due to supervision requirements or for clinical/technical support) please add them as guests to the ‘event’.




MADR LAB Non participant meeting

Schedule all meetings with other team members or collaborators and also identify lab meetings and other events of interest.

Sessions should be identified by the clinicians’ initials [CWR and SG weekly meeting].

This allows other team members to identify when clinicians have commitments.



MADR LAB_Staffing

Schedule time in the lab throughout the week.

This is will be an overview of who is working in the lab during the day.

It also useful to find out who is out of the office and, therefore, not working.

Include time that is spent in participant sessions.

It is important to schedule when you will be out of the office


*Graduate and undergraduate RAs must update their availability on this calendar as well.




Schedule the opening hours of the Barcelona clinics and find out when they are in the office.


Telematic and in person work must be specified by using the acronym WFH or by specifying if it is face-to-face from the Office in HSP


Schedule Mexico participant sessions.


Sessions should be labeled with AT LEAST the following information: CODE0001_Session_ date



The Cronogramas are the main scheduling and communication tool we use with our collaborators in Spain. Here we share scheduling information as well as all of the relevant links so they can access the materials for the protocols.

  1. Each site (including local participants) has a specific Cronograma that includes:

    1. General Cronograma sheet with a charted overview of all participants enrolled for that site.

      1. On this sheet clinicians must chart the progression of their participant’s complete protocol and update it as necessary.

    2. Participant specific sheets identified by their participant codes.

      1. On this sheet clinicians must include the following information for all protocol sessions and any additional sessions (patient education).

        1. Accurate date and time

        2. Zoom link for meeting

        3. Links for Stimuli material

        4. Links for Qualtrics surveys

        5. Notes* please include any notes regarding participant performance, concerns or a brief explanation as to why a session was rescheduled.

      2. If a participant session is rescheduled, clinicians should make a note on that session’s row and then create a new row for the new session.

      3. The participant’s protocol on the Cronograma Sheet MUST match the sessions on their individual sheet. Clinicians should make changes to both sheets.